A feature proposal similar to stETH after AI be launched

Following the launch of AI, in line with Arthur.B’s expectations, it is anticipated that 50% of XTZ will participate in Staking in the future. Staked XTZ cannot engage in DeFi or serve as collateral in the Minting engine.

User Pain Points:
1)Staked XTZ earns 100% more baking rewards than Delegated XTZ but at the cost of losing liquidity.
2)XTZ is even less suitable for direct use in DeFi.

Solution A (Reuse uXTZ)
1.Create a Staking pool and a solo private Bakery for users, offering Staking services with 8% Staking fee (Lower than the normal bakers to attract people)

2.Users can join by depositing XTZ into the Staking pool, receiving an equivalent amount of uXTZ minted by the system.

3.Users can burn uXTZ to quit, users will receive their XTZ after cooldown period.

4.Within the range of free XTZ in the Staking pool, users may choose to pay a certain percentage fee to directly withdraw XTZ immediately, and quit.

5.Users can also swap in the XTZ<->uXTZ Swap pool.

6.So when quit, people have 3 choice : unstake | withdraw | swap

7.Baking rewards from Staking are distributed into the Staking pool, and all uXTZ holder addresses will receive uXTZ in real-time, similar to stETH.

8.The old uXTZ minting engine also distribute the Lending interest fee to all uXTZ holder addresses, similar to stETH.

9.Add uXTZ as collateral of uUSD and uBTC minting engines.

BS: just like stETH, 1uXTZ always equals to 1XTZ, uXTZ holder’s address will continue to receive baking rewards and lending interests.

Solution B (New token stXTZ)

  1. Create a solo private Bakery for users, offering Staking services with 8% Staking fee (Lower than the normal bakers to attract people)

  2. Users engage in Staking services by depositing XTZ into the Staking pool, receiving an equivalent amount of stXTZ minted by the system.

  3. Users can opt for unStaking to burn stXTZ. Within the range of free XTZ in the Staking pool, users may choose to pay a certain percentage fee to directly withdraw XTZ; if there is an insufficient amount of free XTZ in the Staking pool, users will receive their XTZ after cooldown period.

  4. Apart from Staking and unStaking, users can also engage in direct exchanges in the XTZ<->stXTZ Swap pool.

  5. Baking rewards from Staking are distributed in real-time to all stXTZ holder addresses, similar to stETH.

6.Add stXTZ as collateral of uUSD and uBTC minting engines

The UX is very similar to this platform:LISA - Liquid Stacking

Mainpage UI:

Staking UI:

Unstaking UI;

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