After the launch of tzBTC 2.0, tzBTC will quickly back peg to BTC. This will have a positive impact on Tezos DeFi. For uBTC, which has the strongest correlation with tzBTC, it is necessary to improve the existing mechanisms as soon as possible to increase uBTC adoption. The specific recommendations are as follows:
1、Reduce the deposit fee of the uBTC Saving pool from 0.5% to 0%. Remove the long locking mechanism of the uBTC Saving pool and switch to a current deposit mode.
2、Maintain the peg of uBTC by dynamically adjusting the uBTC Lending Interest Rate.
3、Deploy the uBTC/yTEZ minting engine with minting fee 0.39%(same with uXTZ engine).
These will help increasing the minting volume of uXTZ and uBTC and to help uBTC peg.