An idea about creating a new farm for uXTZ/XTZ

What do you think of this proposed plan?

  1. Close the uXTZ saving pool.
  2. Automatically convert uXTZ rewards that were previously allocated to the uXTZ saving pool into YOU.
  3. Use these YOU to create a new Farm to incentivize the LP of the uXTZ/XTZ CFMM pool.
  4. The new Farm will not use the 180-day long-term locking mechanism.
  5. The previous 70 YOU/day long-term farm remains unchanged.

Would the accrued uXTZ rewards for savers also be converted to YOU? Would savers be adversely affected having paid 0.5% deposit fee but not earned enough in rewards to yet break even?

This is a good question. There are a total of 190,000 uXTZ in the savings pool, and the deposit fee is less than 1,000 uXTZ. The 0.5% deposit fee actually is also shared by the old savers, and it is easy to calculate which accounts are disadvantaged. I think there should be a way to refund the deposit fee to the disadvantaged savers, and these fees are estimated to not exceed 400 uXTZ. Moreover, many savers were misled by the short-term ARP and were forced to lock up for 180 days. If they can withdraw early and be given another chance to choose to enter the LP, it will be a win-win situation.

The following is the proposal after adjustment and optimization:

1、Cancel the 180-day locking mechanism of the uXTZ Savings pool, stop or reduce the incentives.

2、Transfer the lending interest originally distributed to the Savings pool to the uXTZ/XTZ CFMM pool.

3、Return the baking rewards of XTZ back to the uXTZ/XTZ CFMM pool.

4、Keep the 180-day locking mechanism farm of uXTZ/XTZ CFMM pool (70YOU/Day)

5、Add the uXTZ/XTZ LP token (named XTZlpt)as the collateral of uAssets,similar to SIRS.(There are now over 9 million tez in Vaults in the form of collateral)

6、Display the total APR Indicator to the LPers.

XTZlpt will earn Baking rewards of XTZ, 5.564% of Lending interest of minted uXTZ, and swapping fees, so APR of XTZlpt will higher than Baking rewards rate(5.5%)。 Now the XTZlpt has two Usage Scenarios:the farm and Collateral. There will be more Usage Scenarios in the future. XTZlpt, BTClpt and USDlpt may become an underlying asset with unlimited possibilities in the future. For example, YLP=40%XTZlpt+10%BTClpt+50%USDlpt will make sense?

This proposal closed, transfer to the new one: