The following is the proposal after adjustment and optimization:
1、Cancel the 180-day locking mechanism of the uXTZ Savings pool, stop or reduce the incentives.
2、Transfer the lending interest originally distributed to the Savings pool to the uXTZ/XTZ CFMM pool.
3、Return the baking rewards of XTZ back to the uXTZ/XTZ CFMM pool.
4、Keep the 180-day locking mechanism farm of uXTZ/XTZ CFMM pool (70YOU/Day)
5、Add the uXTZ/XTZ LP token (named XTZlpt)as the collateral of uAssets,similar to SIRS.(There are now over 9 million tez in Vaults in the form of collateral)
6、Display the total APR Indicator to the LPers.
XTZlpt will earn Baking rewards of XTZ, 5.564% of Lending interest of minted uXTZ, and swapping fees, so APR of XTZlpt will higher than Baking rewards rate(5.5%)。 Now the XTZlpt has two Usage Scenarios:the farm and Collateral. There will be more Usage Scenarios in the future. XTZlpt, BTClpt and USDlpt may become an underlying asset with unlimited possibilities in the future. For example, YLP=40%XTZlpt+10%BTClpt+50%USDlpt will make sense?